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📡 KiwiSDR Frequency Tuning

Tuning With the Mouse

kiwisdr tuning buttons

Clicking on the Frequency Scale will tune the KiwiSDR to the frequency that was clicked on. Clicking on a signal on the waterfall with the mouse will also tune to that frequency. Clicking on one of the bookmarks will tune to the bookmark frequency and set the parameters stored in the bookmark.

The Waterfall Adjustment Buttons:

kiwisdr tuning steps
  • Zoom In
  • Zoom Out
  • Zoom In Maximum
  • Zoom Out Maximum
  • Zoom to Band Edges
  • Page Down (Scroll Waterfall Left)
  • Page Up (Scroll Waterfall Right)

You can use these buttons to zoom in to make selecting or adjusting the receive frequency easier. Scrolling the mouse wheel will also zoom the waterfall view in or out.

The frequency display and editing
controls on the top of the Control Panel.

kiwisdr freq displays

The plus and minus buttons in the middle will tune left or right. The larger the symbol, the larger the tuning step:
-5KHz -1KHz -100Hz +100Hz +1KHz +5KHz

The Band Selection dropdown menu is the center box. The full dropdown list of band and frequency selections is is quite long so it needed to be broken into 3 parts to fit it all on the page.

Band Selections

Frequency Entry

Direct frequency entry can be accomplished by clicking on the frequency and editing it with the keyboard.

kiwisdr band selection
KiwiSDR Frequency Entry Information:
(at KiwiSDR.com)
  🔗 KiwiSDR Frequency Entry

kiwisdr band selection kiwisdr band selection kiwisdr band selection