The STEMLab's HF Bench includes two AirSpy HF Discovery software defined radios.
These are excellent receivers that can tune over the entire HF band and part of the VHF bands. Being very small they are highly portable and can be used almost anywhere with a laptop or even a Raspberry Pi.
Their maximum sampling bandwidth is just 912kS/s which is less than the others we talk about. Even so they can reasonably cover any of the amateur HF bands at a time. OpenWebRX+ is set up with multiple profiles so you can select the individual HF band you want to tune to.
The available bandwidths that Airspy publishes are: 16, 24, 32, 48, 64, 96, 128, 192, 256, 384 and 768 KHz. They recently added 912 KHz in a recent update.
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